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Necessary thermometer for tea making


Brewing time, tea intake and water temperature all affect the taste of tea soup, and the influence of water temperature is the most obvious.Why is that?

Brewing time, tea intake and water temperature all affect the taste of tea soup, and the influence of water temperature is the most obvious.Why is that?

When you drink tea, you drink tea extract, that is, nutrients dissolved in the tea leaves in water,For example, caffeine, amino acids, etc. The dissolution rate of these substances is greatly affected by temperature and brewing time.

The amino acids in tea are good for the human body,It can be dissolved at 60 ;Vitamin C is destroyed when the water temperature is 70 .The taste of tea is too bitter.Therefore, to maintain the nutrition, taste and aroma of tea, the best water temperature for making tea is 70 ~ 80 .This is the time you need a thermometer.

PT1438 thermometer, triangle clip fixation, display temperature on site, intuitive and convenient; Safe and reliable, long service life, fast reading. With this thermometer, you can master the water temperature perfectly and give full play to the original aroma and taste of tea.

Connection:Back connection

Bezel: N/A

Material:All stainless steel 304

Thread: no 

Dail size:Ø44mm

Stem Diameter:Ø3.8mm 

Stem Length:200mm

Temperature range: - 10-110C & F (or customized)

Accuracy: ± 1.5%

Lens: PC